Coach's Blog
A Quick Look at 2022-23
After graduating six strong seniors in 2022, we knew that 22-23 would be more of a rebuilding year. And it was. Though our 6-14 record was not where we were hoping to be, our tri-captains Ali Mammola, Alanna Saunders, and Alex Jones did a great job leading and teaching a young and inexperienced group how to compete at the Varsity...
Its so nice, the clip runs twice ... ABBY CHAMBERS drains the 3 with 4 seconds left in the game to give WA a 55-54 lead and propel the team to its first opening-round win in three tries at the Mansfield Roundball Classic over host Mansfield. As incredible as the shot was, the WA comeback was just as...
2/14/2022 - Ready for the Playoffs!
As we head into the week before Feb. break, WAGB is preparing to head into the DCL Playoffs, the Mansfield tournament, and the State Tournament.